Occasional Papers

“Occasional Papers”シリーズは、ISEASで行われた講演のテキストを約100ページのスリムな本にまとめたもので、脚注、参考文献の他、ほとんどの場合、巻末には総索引が付いています。

The Hostage An Shigao and his Offspring

An Iranian Family in China

By Antonino Forte

The Hostage An Shigao and His Offspring: An Iranian Family In China
Publication year
2,000 yen
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The Persian An Shigao is the first known Buddhist missionary and translator in China as well as the forefather of an outstanding Chinese family. This original study sheds new light on him and his family through an analysis of sources never before considered in the past studies.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: Literary evidence
  • Chapter 2: Epigraphical sources
  • Chapter 3: Remarks on the early Buddhist sources on An Shigao
  • Conclusion
  • Appendix A: An early eighth century edict ordering the repatriation of hostages
  • Appendix B: On the origin of An Lushan’s 安祿山 family name An 安
  • Genealogical Chart of an Shigao’s Family