
研究所では、さまざまな学術イベントの主催、またフランス国立極東学院をはじめ国内外の大学機関との連携による会議やワークショップを開催しています。20年以上にわたり世界中の研究者を対象とした定期講演会「Kyoto Lectures」をはじめ、イタリア人研究者、フェロー、博士課程の学生を対象とした勉強会「MANABU」、イタリアと日本の関係をテーマに、会議、討論会、セミナー、書籍の紹介を行う「Intersezioni」、ヨーロッパとアジアの知的・文化的交流に関するテーマを掘り下げていく「Eurasian Tracks」などがあります。

An Early Modern Tradition in Perspective

Kyoto Lectures

An Early Modern Tradition in Perspective

Nyaungyan Buddhist Narrative Murals of Burma (c. 1580-1800)

Cristophe Munier-Gaillard

2025年3月18日 18:00

Burmese mural painting is best known from the Pagan period of the 11th-13th centuries, whose corpus of over 300 monuments is the largest in Southeast Asia. This lecture shows that the Nyaungyan mural tradition is not a continuation of this first pictorial tradition, but represents a foundational change, heralding the modern era. Not subject to any major foreign influence, its fundamentals reflect a simplified program and graphism, a new iconography, and a new structuration of the mural space. These developments ultimately led to a new way to teach Buddhist moral precepts through entertaining scenes highlighting Portuguese and Indian gatekeepers.


Cristophe Munier-Gaillard is an associate member of the Centre de Recherche sur l’Extrême-Orient de Paris-Sorbonne. His research focuses on the narrative technique and styles of early modern Burmese Buddhist murals. He edited Mural Art: Studies on Paintings in Asia (River Books, 2017).


This hybrid lecture will be held on site (registration required in advance from here) and via Zoom.

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86587681543

Meeting ID: 865 8768 1543

How to Perform Innate Awakening

Kyoto Lectures

How to Perform Innate Awakening

The Consecration Rituals of Medieval Japanese Tantric Lineages

Lucia Dolce

2025年2月12日 18:00

The ritual history of Japanese Tantric Buddhism, even during its purported medieval golden age, remains inadequately understood. Advanced consecration rituals, in particular, have been little studied, despite their crucial role in establishing the identity and legitimacy of Tantric practitioners. This talk examines one such ritual, known in contemporary documents as yugi kanjō, through an analysis of Taimitsu (Tendai Tantric Buddhist) sources. This consecration encapsulates the Tantric approach to ultimate realization through distinctive practices of body marking and self-consecration. While the ritual has frequently been characterized as heterodox, an expansive reading of Taimitsu sources suggest continuity with established continental practices, underscoring the necessity of reconceptualizing Japanese Tantric Buddhist history within a broader trans-regional framework.

Lucia Dolce is Numata Professor of Japanese Buddhism at SOAS, University of London, and Chair of the Centre for the Study of Japanese Religions. Her research explores discursive and ritual practices of religion in Japan combining archival survey, philosophical analysis and fieldwork. She currently is a visiting research fellow at Nichibunken to complete a project that maps out the medieval Tantric discourse on ritual body.


This hybrid lecture will be held on site (registration required in advance from here) and via Zoom.

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85467084761

Meeting ID: 854 6708 4761

Lafcadio Hearn at 120: Strange Tales, Folklore, and Cultural Resonances

Kyoto Lectures

Lafcadio Hearn at 120: Strange Tales, Folklore, and Cultural Resonances

Commemorating the 120th Anniversary of His Death

François Lachaud

2025年1月14日 18:00

Lafcadio Hearn (1854–1904) was a remarkable figure who introduced Japanese culture to the West during the Meiji era. Beginning his literary journey with explorations of voodoo traditions in New Orleans and the Caribbean, he later turned his attention to Japan, where he translated and retold ghost stories, folktales, legends, and proverbs, bringing these traditions to the Anglophone world. Despite his significant contributions, his work has often been dismissed, particularly in English-speaking academic circles, for its perceived fascination with the strange and the exotic, and critiqued as a product of “Orientalism.”

After a year of commemorations marking the 120th anniversary of his death, and before a national broadcast reflecting on his life and work, this lecture offers a timely reexamination of Hearn’s writings. It highlights their role in preserving and sharing Japanese folklore and supernatural tales, while also connecting them to the modern concept of folk horror, a genre that delves into the darker aspects of rural beliefs and traditions.

This lecture celebrates Hearn’s enduring legacy, showcasing his ability to bridge diverse cultural worlds and reminding us of the profound impact his storytelling continues to have on our understanding of culture, history, and the supernatural.

François Lachaud  is a professor of Japanese studies at the École française d’Extrême-Orient. His research focuses on the religious and cultural history of early modern Japan. He is the coediter of Mastering Languages, Taming the World: The Production and Circulation of European Dictionaries and Lexicons of Asian Languages (16th–19th Centuries) (EFEO, 2023).

This hybrid lecture will be held on site (registration required in advance from here) and via Zoom.

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87636340538

Meeting ID: 876 3634 0538

Right in the Middle of “Shaka’s Mecca”

Kyoto Lectures

Right in the Middle of “Shaka’s Mecca”

The Reemergence of Catholicism in Early Meiji Kyoto

Martin Nogueira Ramos

2024年12月12日 18:00

In December 1879, the Foreign Missions of Paris opened a missionary post in Kyoto.  Dwarfed between the main Buddhist headquarters and the American Board, a Protestant missionary organization, Aimé Villion, the first French priest living in the city between 1879 and 1889, and a handful of Japanese lay catechists strove to increase the fame of the “Old Doctrine” (kyūkyō), a term often used in “modernizing Japan” to label Catholicism. This lecture, based on a vast array of primary sources—local newspapers, Catholic booklets and periodicals, and letters sent by Villion to Paris—, will provide a tentative understanding of how the Church pictured itself in 1880s Kyoto and what kind of people were attracted to its message.

Martin Nogueira Ramos is an associate professor in Japanese studies at the École Française d’Extrême-Orient. His research focuses on the history of Christianity in early modern and modern Japan. Recently, he has coedited D’un empire, l’autre: premières rencontres entre la France et le Japon au xixe siècle (EFEO, 2021) and Aspects of Lived Religion in Late Medieval and Early Modern Japan (Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie 32, 2023).

This hybrid lecture will be held on site (registration required in advance from here) and via Zoom.

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86894570779

Meeting ID: 868 9457 0779

International Symposium "Affecting Spiritual Healing, Re-making (Alternative) Worlds"

Conferences and Workshops





シンポジウム “Affecting Spiritual Healing, Re-making (Alternative) Worlds”SYMPOSIUM
Affecting Spiritual Healing, Re-making (Alternative) Worlds
2024, December 7-8
K… powered by Peatix : More than a ticket.












13:00-13:05:ご挨拶、シンポジウムの概要と目的の説明(京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科デ・アントーニ アンドレア)


1:00 PM – 1:05 PM: Andrea De Antoni (Kyoto University)

Opening Remarks and Symposium Overview


1:05 PM – 2:30 PM: Keynote Lecture: Thomas Csordas (UC San Diego)

Alterity and Identity in Religious Healing: The Case of Roman Catholic Exorcism


2:30 PM – 2:40 PM: Coffee Break


2:40 PM – 3:20 PM: Ran Muratsu (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)

Distancing from the Emerged “Thing”: Religious Healing and Biomedicines in Pentecostal-Charismatic Churches in Benin


3:20 PM – 4:00 PM: Daniela Calvo (JSPS, Kyoto University)

Remaking a World in Afro-Brazilian Religions. Meaning-Making, Affects and Spiritual Healing Among Brazilian Immigrants in Japan


4:00 PM – 4:10 PM: Coffee Break


4:10 PM – 4:50 PM: Junko Iida (Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare)

Cutting the Birth, Unbinding the Spirit: Exorcist Rituals in Northern Thailand


4:50 PM – 5:45 PM: General Discussion 1





18:30-19:00:Thomas Csordasライブ




10:30 AM – 10:35 AM: Andrea De Antoni (Kyoto University)

Opening Remarks


10:35 AM – 11:15 AM: Miho Ishii (Kyoto University)

From Passion to Compassion: Healing Rituals in an Independent Church in Southern Ghana


11:15 AM – 11:55 AM: Fumihiko Tsumura (Meijo University)

Something Rises: The Materiality of Possession and Magical Powers in Northeastern Thailand


11:55 AM – 12:05 PM: Coffee Break


12:05 PM – 12:45 PM: Andrea De Antoni (Kyoto University)

All Around me are Familiar Faces, Worn-out Places: Feelings and Environments (Re-)Making the Spirit Worlds in Contemporary Okinawa


12:45 – 13:00: Thomas Csordas (UC San Diego)

General Comments


13:00 PM – 1:30 PM: General Discussion 2




 また、バンド「ALKDO」の招聘は、とりわけ「代替世界の構築」というシンポジウムのテーマに深く関わっているために重要だといえる。豊田市にある伝統的な日本家屋を改築し運営する文化施設「橋ノ下舎」を拠点に、ALKDOは地域コミュニティとの強い絆を築いている。彼らの音楽は異文化理解と共感を育み、参加者に日常を超えた体験を提供する。TURTLE ISLANDのフロントマンである永山愛樹とパーカッション奏者の竹舞を中心に結成されたALKDOは、独自のスタイルである「アコースティックアジアン・トラッドパンク」でアジアの音楽とリズムを融合させたスタイルをとる。彼らは橋ノ下舎での活動で、日本の伝統文化を取り入れ、音楽、アート、共同生活を探求する場を提供し、多様な人々が集う空間を創造しているが、その中でALKDOの音楽は、情動と身体的知覚を通じて深い共鳴を生み出し、個々の感覚を超えた共感と理解を促進する役割を果たしているといえる。




Thomas Csordas





愛知県は三河、豊田市を拠点に国内外で活動する大所帯バンド「TURTLE ISLAND」のフロントマンである永山愛樹(Vo,G)と竹舞(Vo,太鼓)からなる最小編成であるThe acoustic Asian trad punk duo。アジア的なリズムとビートに乗せた唄とスピリット、シンプル且つ独自の音楽と唄の世界を表現する。基本は2人だが、その時々各地で様々なメンバーが加わりながら形を変え全国津々浦々巡業を続けている。 2012年からレーベルmicroActionと共に橋の下世界音楽祭を主催、また豊田市駅前にて古民家をリノベーションしたお座敷カルチャーセンター「橋ノ下舎」を運営し、音楽以外にもローカルワークとして様々な表現と多様な人々の集うコミュニケーションの場を日常的に創造し続けている。 バンド名「ALKDO/アルコド」とは、愛樹のルーツである朝鮮半島ハングルでアルは”naked”、コドは”TURTLE ISLAND”で、 ”Naked Turtle Island”要は”Acoustic Turtle Island”の意の造語である。