Conferences and Workshops


BOOK LAUNCH - Hokkaido Dairy Farm: Cosmopolitics of Otherness and Security on the Frontiers of Japan

Conferences and Workshops

BOOK LAUNCH – Hokkaido Dairy Farm: Cosmopolitics of Otherness and Security on the Frontiers of Japan

Discussion with the Author (Language: English only)

Paul Hansen

February 19, 2024  18:00 JST

Prior registration, on-site or online, is required from here by February 16.

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Hokkaido Dairy Farm offers a historical and ethnographic examination of the rapid industrialization of the dairy industry in Tokachi, Hokkaido. It begins with a history of dairy farming and consumption in Hokkaido from a macro perspective. It then narrows the focus to examine concrete changes in a Tokachi-area dairying community, with shifts in human relationships alongside changes in human and cow connections through new technologies. In the final chapters, the scope is further narrowed to a detailed history and ethnography of a single industrializing dairy farm and the morphing cast of individuals attached to it, centering on their idiosyncratic searches for economic, social, and ontological security in what is popularly considered a peripheral region and industry. The culmination of over fifteen years of ethnographic, policy, and historical research, Hokkaido Dairy Farm argues that the dairy industry in Japan has always been entwined with notions of Otherness and security seeking, notably in terms of frontiers (SUNY Press 2024).

Paul Hansen is professor in the Department of International Resource Sciences at Akita University in Japan. He is a socio-cultural anthropologist with a focus on Japan and Jamaica, social theory in relation to identity, affect, embodiment, posthumanism, cosmopolitan studies, ecology and animal-human-technology relationships. He is also interested in food and musicology. Having published extensively on these topics in anthropology journals, he is co-editor (with Blai Guarné) of the book Escaping Japan: Reflections on Estrangement and Exile in the Twenty-First Century (2018, Routledge) and co-editor (with Susanne Klien) of a Special Issue of Asian Anthropology titled Rural Japan as Heterotopia (2022).


Conferences and Workshops


Affect and Virtual Space: Reconsidering Distance and Copresence Through Feeling

京都大学 吉田南1号館1共01

January 27, 2024  12:30 JST

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In this symposium, we explore affect in interactions through virtual spaces. Focusing on mediated remote interactions not only highlights the processes through which virtual spaces shape and are shaped by affects and perception, but also stimulates rethinking of traditional concepts of distance and copresence. Therefore, the symposium not only explores various anthropological cases surrounding virtual spaces but also extends its scope to issues such as gestures and cognition in face-to-face interactions, correspondences with the environment, and to how the experience of “being with others” emerges in relation to distance through affect, feelings, and perception. By doing so, the symposium aims to examine the dynamics of affect, experiences, and perceptions in virtual spaces while simultaneously considering the theoretical dimensions of “distance” that have not been extensively discussed in cultural anthropology.

The symposium is divided into two parts: “Discussing” and “Experiencing.” In the former “Discussing” part, researchers engage in scholarly discussions on the theme in a traditional symposium format. The latter “Experiencing” part allows participants to explore the core theme of the symposium through their senses. Throughout both segments, the goal is to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the theme.

*Language: Japanese only


「論じる」締切:2024年1月26日(金)12:00 申し込みは締め切りました

「経験する」締切:2024年1月20日(土)12:00 申し込みは締め切りました

Science and Archaeology in Italy and Japan

Conferences and Workshops

Science and Archaeology in Italy and Japan

A Transdisciplinary Methodology

May 9-10, 2023 16:00 – 18:00 JST


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Modern archaeology has been developed almost simultaneously in Japan and Italy, with the first excavation of a mound tomb in Japan, the Samuraizuka kofun (侍塚古墳) in 1692, ordered by Tokugawa Mitsukuni, and  with Ercolano and Pompei excavations in 1748. This research field has been intensely promoted by national governments and academic institutions, and at present employs techniques and approaches from the physical, chemical, biological, and earth sciences as well as engineering (covered by the interdisciplinary field of archaeometry) to address archaeological issues. Archaeometry provides archaeology instruments for collecting, analyzing and interpreting data related to material records of human history, with a reciprocal cross-fertilization of methodologies and interpretative tools that make archaeology and archaeometry truly transdisciplinary. In the workshop the history of archaeology and the archaeological methodology will address the employ of archaeometry in a comparative view of the field in Italy and Japan.

Exploring Language Diversity in Japan: How Philological and Linguistic Analysis Can Work Together

Conferences and Workshops

Exploring Language Diversity in Japan: How Philological and Linguistic Analysis Can Work Together


October 22, 2022  16:00-19:30 JST

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Japan’s ecological variety, with no less than six different climatic zones, seems to parallel the panoply of different languages and dialects that have been attested in the Japanese archipelago. In addition to standard Japanese and its dialects, there exist other Japonic languages such as Ryūkyūan and Hachijō, as well as non-Japonic varieties represented by Ainu, Orok, and Nivkh.

Information on such linguistic diversity was recorded in a number of written sources, such as the Man’yōshū and Omoro sōshi, among others. In addition, foreign observers also provided insightful evidence on languages spoken within present-day Japanese territory. Identifying with precision what languages were represented in the written sources is not an easy task, but in most cases the combination of a philological approach and the tools of historical linguistics might shed some light on the nature of the languages in question. Analyzing specific cases by researchers who focus on different sources will help to reveal how the careful coupling of these two approaches might prove rewarding, without denying the importance of fieldwork and synchronic studies.

Centered on the seminal work of Alexander Vovin (1961–2022), the workshop intends to show how this combination could be possible in practice. Professor Vovin had been involved in its planning from the start, and intended to contribute with a keynote speech. His untimely passing prevented us from including his contribution. This initiative will also be an homage to the memory of Alexander Vovin and his legacy by a number of scholars who had been working in close contact with him or with his style of scholarship as a source of inspiration.

RICE Italy & Japan - an online workshop

Conferences and Workshops

RICE Italy & Japan – an online workshop

May 27 2022  16:00-19:30 JST (9:00-12:30 CET)

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Rice is an important element of food culture in Italy and Japan, where it plays a primary role in terms of production, gastronomic tradition, and artistic representation. Following the “farm to table” approach, the contributions to this workshop will touch upon rice cultivation and production chains shared by the two countries despite differences in cultivation and harvesting techniques. Rice will provide inspiration to explore the implications of technological innovation for production systems and sustainability, as well as environmental impact. The influence that rice exerts on economic and social contexts—in production, distribution, and consumption—will also be considered. From this perspective, the workshop will focus on production methods, organoleptic characteristics, and food safety, but will also deal with the profound link between tradition and innovation that distinguishes the sector. The range of contributions will embrace agricultural science and economy, as well as several other branches of knowledge, including the humanities, in keeping with the multidisciplinary tradition of ISEAS workshops.


Conferences and Workshops


Ageing Society in Italy and Japan: A Multidisciplinary Workshop

ONLINE EVENT November 12-13 2021

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The global emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemics strongly impacted on the perception and management of distances. Social, economic, logistic and psychological consequences of distancing procedures affected many aspects of our life and interactions, allowing rethinking and reshaping spaces both physical and virtual, and involving new forms of theoretical and practical thoughts and studies. Within this scenario, the dynamic interplay between physical and virtual distances has assumed new forms, forcing innovative cross-disciplinary attitudes as well as the design of new perspectives for future research.

The workshop focusses on Japan and Italy, and combines multidisciplinary research to discuss the notion of distance, along the line traced by a previous event held in 2020. This second meeting has been organized in cooperation  with the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCast) of the University of Tokyo (the 8th cross-disciplinary workshop in their series). As before, scholars and experts from different disciplines will share their knowledge on the common discussion platform of how the perception of distance is addressing new research trends in scientific and humanistic studies.

Kitashirakawa EFEO Salon – Final Workshop

Conferences and Workshops

Kitashirakawa EFEO Salon – Final Workshop

Aspects of Lived Religion in Late Medieval and Early Modern Japan 

November 13 2021  10:00 – 17:00 JST

The French School of Asian Studies (EFEO), the Italian School of East Asian Studies (ISEAS), and the Institute for Research in Humanities (Kyoto University) are organizing a workshop to conclude the Kitashirakawa EFEO Salon, a series of lectures on  Japanese religions held from 2018 to 2020.

The workshop will take place on-site, at the EFEO Kyoto center, and online via Zoom on November 13 (from 10 AM JST). The eight talks, seven in English and one in Japanese, aim at uncovering aspects of “lived religion” (or religion in practice) in late medieval & early modern Japan (16th to 19th c.) using innovative approaches and/or neglected primary sources. The speakers cover different religious traditions (Zen, Pure Land, Shingon, Shugendo, “folk” beliefs, and Christianity). The Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie will publish a special issue based on the contributions presented during the workshop.

Prior registration, on-site or online, is required.

Please send an email to

Due to the sanitary situation, the on-site participation will be limited to 20 people. 

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Conferences and Workshops




October 25 2021 16:00 – 20:00 JST

Nei secoli moderni l’opera di Dante ha seguito sentieri originali e di grande interesse che si estendono ben oltre i confini dei contesti europei. In Asia Orientale, ad esempio, è stata fonte di ispirazione e ricerca intellettuale, producendo un’ampia varietà di traduzioni e studi ed esercitando influenze rilevanti su letterati, pensatori e artisti. La ricchezza di tale produzione ha spesso travalicato i confini degli studi di italianistica per diventare patrimonio di tutti. L’evento si propone di offrire un panorama di questo importante fenomeno culturale e di percorrere le tracce della ricezione di Dante in Cina, Corea e Giappone attraverso prospettive generali e casi specifici, per contribuire a delinearne la fortuna globale nell’occasione dei settecento anni dalla morte.

In the modern period Dante’s work has followed original paths that have reached far beyond the boundaries of European contexts in a variety of interesting patterns. In East Asia, for example, it has been a source of inspiration and a stimulus for intellectual research, giving way to a multiplicity of translations and studies, and influencing writers, thinkers, and artists. In many cases, the range of this influence did not remain restricted to the field of Italian studies proper, but became a common asset for any cultivated person. This event will provide an overview of this important cultural trend tracing Dante’s reception in China, Korea, and Japan. Through general surveys or the analysis of specific cases, it will contribute to the appreciation of Dante’s global popularity seven hundred years after his death.

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Non è necessario registrarsi. Per accedere all’evento su Zoom cliccare qui. L’accesso dalla sala d’attesa sarà possibile circa cinque minuti prima dell’inizio.

No registration required. To access the Zoom meeting click here. Access will be allowed from the waiting room about five minutes in advance.


L’incontro sarà condotto in italiano. Solo due interventi saranno in lingua inglese.

Italian will be used for most presentations.

日本における信仰と「知」のはざま - 中世・近世・近代を中心に - 北白川 EFEO Salon 2019-2020

Conferences and Workshops

日本における信仰と「知」のはざま - 中世・近世・近代を中心に - 北白川 EFEO Salon 2019-2020



2020年11月27日 18:00 - 19:30







予約申込み →


Conferences and Workshops


Ageing Society in Italy and Japan: A Multidisciplinary Workshop

13 - 14 novembre 2020

ONLINE EVENT November 13-14 2020

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In the past decade, the crucial issue of the dynamic social and economic impact of an aging society (namely, the increase in longevity versus the fall in fertility in a population) has been the so-called digital divide, or the uneven distribution in the access to, use of, or impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) . Most research on this topic has addressed reducing the intergenerational gap, influencing the growth of educational programs for the elderly and the production of dedicated user interfaces. However, the recent global Covid-19 pandemic has shown an acceleration in the reduction of the digital divide, allowing for the mitigation of imposed physical distances through an increase in the use of ICT. Within this scenario, the dynamic interplay between physical and virtual distances has assumed new forms, forcing innovative cross-disciplinary attitudes to develop as well as the design of new perspectives for the future of research. This workshop, which focuses on Japan and Italy, the two countries that top the list of aging populations, combines multidisciplinary research to discuss the notion of distance due to the recent experience of the pandemic. The workshop gathers scholars and experts from different disciplines and aims to converge their knowledge on the common discussion platform of how the perception of distance is addressing new research trends in scientific and humanistic studies.

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