Occasional Papers

“Occasional Papers”シリーズは、ISEASで行われた講演のテキストを約100ページのスリムな本にまとめたもので、脚注、参考文献の他、ほとんどの場合、巻末には総索引が付いています。

The Bronze Age in Korea

A Historical Archaeological Outline

By Maurizio Riotto.

Buddhist Asia 1
Publication year
2,000 yen
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An outline of Korean archaeology based on an extensive overview of Korean, Japanese and Western sources. A useful introduction to a complex field of research, made accessible to non-specialists.

Table of Contents

  • Foreword, by Antonino Forte
  • Preface
  • Introduction
    - The Paleolithic Age
    - The Neolithic Age
    - The Bronze Age
  • Part 1: Burial Customs
    1. The dolmen
    2. The stone cist tomb
  • Part 2: Grave Goods
    1. Stone objects
    2. Bronze objects
    3. Pottery
  • Final Remarks
  • Chronological Table