Occasional Papers

“Occasional Papers”シリーズは、ISEASで行われた講演のテキストを約100ページのスリムな本にまとめたもので、脚注、参考文献の他、ほとんどの場合、巻末には総索引が付いています。

Problems of Chronology and Eschatology

Four Lectures on the Essay on Buddhism. by Tominaga Nakamoto (1715-1746)

By Hubert Durt

VOl.4  Problems of Chronology and Eschatology
Publication year
2,000 yen
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Tominaga Nakamoto is one of the most original Japanese thinkers of the Edo period as well as an important early figure in comparative religious studies. This book explores his writings on the evolution of Buddhist ideas concerning time and world history.

Table of Contents

  • Foreword, by Antonino Forte
  • 1. The Buddhist Scholarship of Tominaga
    - Preliminary Remarks
    - Contents of the Shutsujo kogo
    - Tominaga’s Emphases and Understatements
    - Conclusion
  • 2. Chronology: The Date of The Buddha’s Appearance According to Tominaga
    - Dating of the Buddha
    - Introduction of Buddhism in China
    - Conclusion and Methodological Suggestion by Tominaga
  • 3. Eschatology: Parinirvana of The Buddha and Degeneration The Dharma
    - End of the Law
    - Recent trends in research
    - Two popular Nirvana sutras
  • 4. The Long and Short Nirvana Sutras
    - The Mahayanic Mahaparinirvanasutra or “Great Sutra”
    - Formation of a category of Nirvana sutras
    - Conclusion: literary genre and canonical classification