

A Life Journey to the East

Sinological Studies in Memory of Giuliano Bertuccioli (1923-2001)

Edited by Antonino Forte and Federico Masini

A Life Journey to the East
Publication year
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A collection of essays in memory of Giuliano Bertuccioli (1923-2001), a former diplomat and professor of Chinese Literature at the University of Rome for many years. The essays in the volume cover many subjects in the field of sinology, from the history of Chinese Buddhism, to the Chinese literary tradition, to the history of Sino-Western relations. The volume also contains a posthumous essay by the famous French sinologist Paul Pelliot on Kumarajiva.

Table of Contents

  • Bibliography of Giuliano Bertuccioli
  • Notes sur Kumārajīva, by Paul Pelliot
  • Tidings from the South: Chinese Court Buddhism and Overseas Relations in the Fifth Century AD, by Erik Zürcher
  • Wenxin diaolong 文心雕龍 and Buddhism, by Victor Mair
  • The South Indian Monk Bodhiruci (d. 727): Biographical Evidence, by Antonino Forte
  • The Lüdao Quarter in Luoyang during the Tang Dynasty: Literary and Epigraphical Evidence, by Aurora Testa
  • Pour une traduction en anglais des Mémoires de Matteo Ricci, by Jacques Gernet
  • A Note on a 16th Century Manuscript of the “Chinese Alphabet”, by Takata Tokio
  • Bio-bibliographical Notes on Claudio Filippo Grimaldi S.J., Missionary in China (1638-1712), by Federico Masini
  • Envisioning Perspective: Nian Xiyao’s 年希堯 (1671-1738) Rendering of Western Perspective in the Prologues to the “Science of Vision”, by Elisabetta Corsi
  • Family Affairs: A Crazed Woman and Late Ming Pornography, by Giovanni Vitiello
  • The Boxer Uprising Seen through the Reports Sent by Guido Amedeo Vitale to the Italian Newspaper La Tribuna, by Michele Fatica
  • Afterword, by Mario Palma