Occasional Papers

“Occasional Papers”シリーズは、ISEASで行われた講演のテキストを約100ページのスリムな本にまとめたもので、脚注、参考文献の他、ほとんどの場合、巻末には総索引が付いています。

The New Japanese Novel

Popular Culture and Literary Tradition in the Work of Murakami Haruki and Yoshimoto Banana

By Giorgio Amitrano

Popular Culture and Literary Tradition in the Work of Murakami Haruki and Yoshimoto Banana
Publication year
2,000 yen
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Murakami Haruki and Yoshimoto Banana are among the most representative contemporary Japanese writers. This book critically evaluates their literary production in the context of contemporary Japanese and Western culture.

Table of Contents

  • Foreword, by Antonino Forte
  • Introduction

1. Murakami Haruki or the search for a lost plot
2. Yoshimoto Banana. Inside and beyond shōjo aesthetics

  • AppendixA: Works by Murakami Haruki
  • Appendix B: Works by Yoshimoto Banana