Occasional Papers

“Occasional Papers”シリーズは、ISEASで行われた講演のテキストを約100ページのスリムな本にまとめたもので、脚注、参考文献の他、ほとんどの場合、巻末には総索引が付いています。

A Jewel in Indra’s Net

The Letter Sent by Fazang in China to Uisang in Korea

By Antonino Forte

A Jewel in Indra’s Net
Publication year
2,000 yen
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A masterful philological study on a famous letter sent by the Chinese Buddhist master Fa Zang (643-712) to his Korean colleague Uisang. This work focuses on the ideological implications of the letter in the context of the 7th century Hwa Yen Buddhism.

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1: Fazang’s letter: meanings and historical context
  • Chapter 2: Critical edition and annotated translation
    - Fazang’s letter and “separate sheet”
    - Annotated translation of the letter and of the “separate sheet”
    - The rise of the Dharmadhātu, Indra’s net, the realms of the Buddha
  • Chapter 3: The date of Fazang’s letter
    - Dates proposed
    - Unacceptability of the proposed dates
    - A possible solution
  • Appendix A: On the authenticity of Fazang’s autograph
  • Appendix B: On the expression renxin zhi ci 人信之次
  • Appendix C: On the expression junte zaoguan 君特澡罐