Conferences and Workshops

Conferences and workshops on specific topics are typically organized in collaboration with Japanese and European universities or research institutes. The École Française d’Extrême-Orient and the Institute for Research in Humanities are the preferred partners for these conferences, but the collaboration in this field is not exclusive. For over thirty years, the School has been a presence in the international scientific community among foreign research centers in Japan, providing a venue to present ongoing research findings.

Presence and Simulation

Conferences and Workshops

Presence and Simulation

Law, Emotion and Social Bonding in the Age of Cybernetic Reproduction

June 2nd, 2019 10:00 - 17:30

Scuola Italiana di Studi sull’Asia Orientale, Kyoto


Opening remarks

10:00~ Silvio Vita Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, ISEAS <History of Japan>


1. Presence in Social Robotics

10:15~ Model Emotion in Robots with Heart: Tracing Transformations in Technologies of Presence

Hirofumi Katsuno Doshisha University, Kyoto <Anthropology>

Daniel White Freie Universität Berlin <Anthropology>


10:45~ Presence: Space and Simulation

Paul Dumouchel Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto <Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Science>


2. Presence in Political Theology and Visual Legal Studies

11:15~ Law and the Sacred: Reflections on the Visual Aesthetics of Sovereignty

Richard Sherwin New York Law School <Wallace Stevens Professor of Law>


11:45~ Immersion as Emblematic Form. The Third: a Choreology for 360° Movie and Legal Customs

Paolo Heritier Eastern Piedmont and Visiting Professor, Kyoto University <Philosophy of Law>


3. Presence between Italian Studies and Immersive Movie

14:30~ Intuitive – Intellectual: the Paradigm of Knowledge in East and West

Federica Sgarbi Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto <East-Asian and Comparative Philosophy>


15:00~ Plunging into Changing Perspectives. On possible 360° Degree

Visualisation of the Historical Processes of Intellectual Communication

Francesco Campagnola Lisbon University, ISEAS (on Skype) <History of Ideas>


15:45~ Presence in 360°, Technological Immersion / Cultural Immersion

Jacques Gilbert Université de Nantes and IEA Nantes (on Skype) <Comparative Literature>


16:15~ The Evolution in Narration in Immersive Media: Language, Techniques and Challenges

Valentina Paggiarin (on Skype) Head VR, Hive Division


4. Is there a Class in this University?

16:45~ Brainstorming on the future of ‘the didactic scene’ between presence and new technologies

バチカン図書館所蔵 切支丹関係文書群の魅力を探る

Conferences and Workshops

バチカン図書館所蔵 切支丹関係文書群の魅力を探る





マレガ・プロジェクト ワークショップ 2

Conferences and Workshops

マレガ・プロジェクト ワークショップ 2

9 - 10 febbraio 2017 10:00 - 18:00

Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana - La Sapienza Università di Roma



Il fascino dell'ltalia: percezioni e immagini nel Giappone moderno

Conferences and Workshops

Il fascino dell’ltalia: percezioni e immagini nel Giappone moderno


2016年10月1日 11:00 - 17:30

京都外国語大学 1号館171教室


La Missione Iwakura alla scoperta dell'Italia

Conferences and Workshops

La Missione Iwakura alla scoperta dell’Italia


2016年10月1日〜31日 10:00 - 17:30

京都外国語大学 国際文化資料館


Tracing Christianity in Early Modern Japan

Conferences and Workshops

Tracing Christianity in Early Modern Japan

The Marega Collection in the Vatican Library and its Value for International Co-operation

September 12th, 2015

Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana

生誕150周年記念展 - ダンヌンツィオに夢中だった頃

Conferences and Workshops

生誕150周年記念展 – ダンヌンツィオに夢中だった頃





イタリアと日本における法と司法 - 直面する課題と将来的展望

Conferences and Workshops

イタリアと日本における法と司法 – 直面する課題と将来的展望

Diritto e giustizia in Italia e Giappone: Problemi attuali e Riforme

29 giugno 2013

Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Tokyo

Afghanistan Meeting 2012

Conferences and Workshops

Afghanistan Meeting 2012

Between Sogdiana and Gandhara in the Pre-Islamic Period

March 5th - 6th, 2012

Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University


Japanese Scholarly Views of China over the Past Century

Conferences and Workshops

Japanese Scholarly Views of China over the Past Century

国際シンポジウム「中国についての学術的な考え方 -日本からの視点」公開記念講演会

November 12th, 2011

京都大学 人文科学研究所
