Conferences and Workshops


Presence and Simulation

Conferences and Workshops

Presence and Simulation

Law, Emotion and Social Bonding in the Age of Cybernetic Reproduction

June 2nd, 2019 10:00 - 17:30

Scuola Italiana di Studi sull’Asia Orientale, Kyoto


Opening remarks

10:00~ Silvio Vita Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, ISEAS <History of Japan>


1. Presence in Social Robotics

10:15~ Model Emotion in Robots with Heart: Tracing Transformations in Technologies of Presence

Hirofumi Katsuno Doshisha University, Kyoto <Anthropology>

Daniel White Freie Universität Berlin <Anthropology>


10:45~ Presence: Space and Simulation

Paul Dumouchel Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto <Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Science>


2. Presence in Political Theology and Visual Legal Studies

11:15~ Law and the Sacred: Reflections on the Visual Aesthetics of Sovereignty

Richard Sherwin New York Law School <Wallace Stevens Professor of Law>


11:45~ Immersion as Emblematic Form. The Third: a Choreology for 360° Movie and Legal Customs

Paolo Heritier Eastern Piedmont and Visiting Professor, Kyoto University <Philosophy of Law>


3. Presence between Italian Studies and Immersive Movie

14:30~ Intuitive – Intellectual: the Paradigm of Knowledge in East and West

Federica Sgarbi Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto <East-Asian and Comparative Philosophy>


15:00~ Plunging into Changing Perspectives. On possible 360° Degree

Visualisation of the Historical Processes of Intellectual Communication

Francesco Campagnola Lisbon University, ISEAS (on Skype) <History of Ideas>


15:45~ Presence in 360°, Technological Immersion / Cultural Immersion

Jacques Gilbert Université de Nantes and IEA Nantes (on Skype) <Comparative Literature>


16:15~ The Evolution in Narration in Immersive Media: Language, Techniques and Challenges

Valentina Paggiarin (on Skype) Head VR, Hive Division


4. Is there a Class in this University?

16:45~ Brainstorming on the future of ‘the didactic scene’ between presence and new technologies

バチカン図書館所蔵 切支丹関係文書群の魅力を探る

Conferences and Workshops

バチカン図書館所蔵 切支丹関係文書群の魅力を探る





マレガ・プロジェクト ワークショップ 2

Conferences and Workshops

マレガ・プロジェクト ワークショップ 2

9 - 10 febbraio 2017 10:00 - 18:00

Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana - La Sapienza Università di Roma



Il fascino dell'ltalia: percezioni e immagini nel Giappone moderno

Conferences and Workshops

Il fascino dell’ltalia: percezioni e immagini nel Giappone moderno


2016年10月1日 11:00 - 17:30

京都外国語大学 1号館171教室


La Missione Iwakura alla scoperta dell'Italia

Conferences and Workshops

La Missione Iwakura alla scoperta dell’Italia


2016年10月1日〜31日 10:00 - 17:30

京都外国語大学 国際文化資料館


Tracing Christianity in Early Modern Japan

Conferences and Workshops

Tracing Christianity in Early Modern Japan

The Marega Collection in the Vatican Library and its Value for International Co-operation

September 12th, 2015

Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana

生誕150周年記念展 - ダンヌンツィオに夢中だった頃

Conferences and Workshops

生誕150周年記念展 – ダンヌンツィオに夢中だった頃





イタリアと日本における法と司法 - 直面する課題と将来的展望

Conferences and Workshops

イタリアと日本における法と司法 – 直面する課題と将来的展望

Diritto e giustizia in Italia e Giappone: Problemi attuali e Riforme

29 giugno 2013

Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Tokyo

Afghanistan Meeting 2012

Conferences and Workshops

Afghanistan Meeting 2012

Between Sogdiana and Gandhara in the Pre-Islamic Period

March 5th - 6th, 2012

Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University


Japanese Scholarly Views of China over the Past Century

Conferences and Workshops

Japanese Scholarly Views of China over the Past Century

国際シンポジウム「中国についての学術的な考え方 -日本からの視点」公開記念講演会

November 12th, 2011

京都大学 人文科学研究所
