Buddhist Asia

“Buddhist Asia”シリーズは、ナポリ東洋大学・仏教学研究センター(Centre of Buddhist Studies)と共同出版しています。アジア仏教に関連するさまざまなテーマについて、同センター主催の会議にて発表された論文を集めています。

Buddhist Asia 2

Papers from the Second Conference of Buddhist Studies Held in Naples in June 2004

Edited by Giacomella Orofino and Silvio Vita

Buddhist Asia 2
Publication year
2,500 yen
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Table of Contents

  • ‘Preceded by Thought are The Dhammas’: The Ancient Exegesis on Dhammapada 1-2, by Giulio Agostini
  • The Number of Stanzas in the Vessantara-Jataka: Preliminary Observations, by Claudio Cicuzza and Peter Skilling
  • Contradictions on the Way to Liberation: Dharmakīrti’s Solutions, by Cristina Pecchia
  • The Srin Mo Demoness and the Submission to the Buddhist Tibetan Dharma: Some Different Modes of Her Transformation, by Carla Gianotti
  • Yamāntaka-Vajrabhairava in Modern China: Analysis of 20th Century Translations from Tibetan, by Ester Bianchi
  • Some Remarks on the Authorship and Chronology of the Yin Chi Ru Jing Zhu 陰持入經註: The Second Phase in the Development of Early Chinese Buddhist Exegetical Literature, by Stefano Zacchetti
  • Foreign Art and Foreign Rulers: Considerations on Buddhist Narrative Art in Fifth-Century China, by Nicoletta Celli