Occasional Papers

The Occasional Papers series collects in slim volumes of about one hundred pages the texts of lectures given at the ISEAS, presented with full footnotes, bibliography, and in most cases with a general index at the end.

The Manuscripts of Nanatsu-dera.

A Recently Discovered Treasure-House in Downtown Nagoya.

By Ochiai Toshinori / Edited by Silvio Vita

The Manuscripts Of Nanatsu-Dera: A Recently Discovered Treasure-house In Downtown Nagoya
Publication year
2,000 yen
Acquista online


The discovery in 1990 by Ochiai of Buddhist texts previously believed to be lost is considered one of the most important finds of the 20th century. This book contains a preliminary survey of the texts and a report on how they were discovered.

Table of Contents

  • Foreword,by Antonino Forte  Preface,by Silvio Vita
  • Presentation of The Report of Professor Ochiai Toshinori, by Antonino Forte
  • A Report on The Newly Found Texts of Nanatsu-Dera, by Ochiai Toshinori
    - Introduction
    - The newly discovered texts
    1. Benxing liu polomi jing 本行六波羅密經
    2. Du fanzhi jing 度梵志經
    3. Foshuo Touta jing 佛説頭陀經
    4. Foshuo Piluo sanmei jing 佛説毘羅三昧經
    5. Foshuo Qingjing faxing jing 佛説清浄法行經
    6. Foshuo Anmu jing 佛説安墓經
    7. Foshuo Zhaohun jing 佛説招魂經
    8. Foshuo Bi’ an shenzhou chengjiu jing 佛説彼岸神咒成就經
    9. Foshuo Dayuan gongde liuzhai jing 佛説大願功徳六齋經
    10. Foshuo Liuxing dao jing 佛説流行道經
    11. Jingdu jing 浄度經
    12. Dasheng Pishamen gongde jing 大乗毘沙門功徳經
    13. Foshuo Foming jing 佛説佛名經
    14. Dasheng pusa rudao sanzhong guan 大乗菩薩入道三種觀
    15. Ko shōgyō mokuroku 古聖教目録

- Concluding remarks
General Evaluaton of The Nanatsu-Dera Manuscripts by Makita Tairyō
My First Visit to Nanatsu-Dera by Antonino Forte