Occasional Papers

The Occasional Papers series collects in slim volumes of about one hundred pages the texts of lectures given at the ISEAS, presented with full footnotes, bibliography, and in most cases with a general index at the end.

Travels to Real and Imaginary Lands

Two Lectures on East Asia

By Giuliano Bertuccioli

Travels to Real and Imaginary Lands
Publication year
2,000 yen
Acquista online


A study on East-West cultural relations grounded in the author´s rare philological skills in both East Asian and European languages, this volume deals with the description of Japan and China by the 16th century Florentine merchant Francesco Carlotti. Furthmore it covers the influence on Chinese poetry of the imaginary “Land of Parrots” reported in European maps. Also includes an appendix, “Francesco Carlotti on Slavery and Oppression” by Antonino Forte.

Table of Contents

  • Foreword, by Antonino Forte
  • 1. Francesco Carletti. A Florentine Merchant in Japan and China in The Years 1597-99, by Giuliano Bertuccioli
    - Carletti´s Voyage around the World
    - The editions of the Voyage around the World
    - Carletti´s Considerations on Japan
    - Carletti´s Considerations on China
  • 2. The Region of The Parrots. The Strange Fortune in China a Non-Existent Land, by Giuliano Bertuccioli
    - European maps
    - Chinese Maps
    - A poem by Chen Wenshu
  • Appendix: Francesco Carletti on Slavery and Oppression, by Antonino Forte
  • Bibliographic Note: On Carletti´s Book with Particular Reference to His Chapter Concerning Japan, by Antonino Forte